Index relating to Professional equality between women and men
February 26, 2024In accordance with the French law “Avenir Professionnel” of 5th September 2018, ESSP SAS presents the result of its Index relating to professional equality between women and men.

Renewal of the partnership collaboration between ESSP and Planète Urgence 2021-2022
June 01, 2022A partnership was signed in January 2021 to involve ESSP in 4 E-volunteering missions/ or 2 Solidarity Leaves (if the sanitary situation allows it at the time of departure for the missions) for its staff and continue its participation in the program of reforestation in Cameroon: 1€ = 1 tree

ESSP and Planète Urgence partnership for 2020
December 05, 2020We would like to provide you some news related to ESSP / Planète Urgence partnership for 2020.

ESSP agreement with Red Cross France and Spain
October 08, 2020In the frame of its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy and in this particular context of sanitary crisis, ESSP has signed up an agreement with Cruz Roja and La Croix Rouge Française in October 2020, to make a financial donation to support this important entity in this difficult year for thousands of families given the declared pandemic.

What is Planète Urgence?
March 09, 2020Planète Urgence is a non-profit association officially recognized non-profit organization for international solidarity and environmental protection, created in Paris in 2000 by NGO professionals (Médecins du Monde, Handicap International) around the concept of Solidarity Leave®.

Index relating to Professional equality between women and men
February 27, 2020In accordance with the French law “Avenir Professionnel” of 5th September 2018, ESSP SAS presents the result of its Index relating to professional equality between women and men.

Environmental Responsibility at the EGNOS Annual Workshop 2019
October 02, 2019At the EGNOS Annual Workshop 2019 you help to protect the environment through C02 offsetting

No more Single Use Plastic in ESSP
April 01, 2019Since March 2018, ESSP has removed Single Use Plastic in its offices.