camera recording

ESSP and GroupEAD join forces to support ATM data service provider concept

April 15, 2021

On the 21st of January 2021, GroupEAD and ESSP signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen their cooperation


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atm award fr ok

ESSP & NLA reconnus internationalement avec le prix 2020 de la revue " ATM Magazine" dans la catégorie « fournisseur de service »

February 26, 2021

ESSP et NLA avaient candidaté pour la "fourniture du service EGNOS pour les exploitants d’hélicoptères dans l'espace aérien de classe G", mettant ainsi en valeur leur contribution à une gestion sécurisée et efficiente de l'espace aérien.

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atm award sp

ESSP y NLA reconocidos internacionalmente con el premio ATM Awards 2020" en la categoría de Provisión de Servicio

February 26, 2021

La empresa ESSP (European Satellite Service Provider), en una nominación conjunta con la sociedad NLA (Norsk Luftambulanse As), ha sido galardonada con el Premio “ATM Awards 2020” en la categoría "Provisión de Servicio",  por el desarrollo del caso "Esquema de prestación de servicios EGNOS para operadores de helicópteros en clase G Airspace”, en el que se reconocen las contribuciones a una gestión segura, rentable y eficiente del espacio aéreo.

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atm award

ESSP & NLA recognized internationally with a “2020 ATM Award” in the Service Provision category

February 12, 2021

ESSP (European Satellite Service Provider), in a joint nomination with NLA (Norsk Luftambulanse As), have been awarded the 2020 ATM Award in the “Service Provision” category with a case named “EGNOS service provision scheme for rotorcraft operators in class G Airspace”, recognising contributions to safe, cost-effective and efficient airspace management.

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France’s air navigation services provider to support Inmarsat air traffic modernisation programme

August 20, 2019

DSNA is the latest partner to join the ground-breaking Iris programme to improve air traffic management across Europe’s congested airspace

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drone session - Thierry Racaud ESSP CEO

GSA highlights added value of EGNSS for drones at WATM 2019

March 21, 2019

The added value of EGNSS (Galileo and EGNOS) for drones was the focus of a special session organised by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) at this year’s World ATM Congress in Madrid on 12 March, at which representatives from several projects spoke about how they are benefitting from the European space programme.

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World ATM Congress 2018

ESSP at the World ATM Congress 2018

March 12, 2018

The World ATM Congress 2018 has come to an end. During three exciting days ESSP and the European GNSS Agency worked together in order to promote the EGNOS benefits.

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EGNOS Awards 2017 winners

Successful participation of ESSP at World ATM Congress

March 15, 2017

One more year ESSP was present at the World ATM Congress (Madrid, 7-9 March) in a joint stand with the European GNSS Agency, promoting the use of EGNOS among Aviation stakeholders.
Three intense days highlighted by the EGNOS Awards Ceremony and the EGNOS Presentation that took place at the Frequentis Aviation Arena the first day of the Congress.
And once again, the flight simulator installed within the stand attracted many visitors and students willing to fly in person an LPV (EGNOS based) procedure.

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