ESSP & ASECNA sign a Memorandum of Understanding
On October 7th, and in the frame of the Yearly EGNOS Service Provision Workshop held in Lisbon, ESSP and the Agency for Air Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
This MoU states that both parties intend to cooperate and develop synergies in the frame of the future EGNOS-based services provision in the ASECNA area.
The MoU will be later subject to an implementation agreement between both entities that will be more specific in terms of timing and activities.
ESSP Chief Executive, Thierry Racaud, highlighted the need to strength links with African partners, and to share the gained expertise in order to develop Satellite Navigation applications out of European boundaries: “We are convinced that we could be of great help and advice to other satellite navigation stakeholders“
From its side, Ibrahim Kassim, Director of the ASECNA Office in Paris, representing the Director General, Amadou Ousmane Guitteye, reminded that ASECNA is preparing today to its future role of EGNOS-based services provider, and, in this frame, welcomed warmly the future cooperation with ESSP which will enable ASECNA to benefit from the ESSP recognised expertise and experience of EGNOS operations, and both parties to develop synergies in the field of satellite navigation.