What is Planète Urgence?
Planète Urgence is a non-profit association recognized as a public utility for international solidarity and environmental protection, created in Paris in 2000 by NGO professionals (Doctors of the World, Handicap International) around the concept of Solidarity Leave®. Today Planète Urgence aims to empower people and protect their environment by:
- Sending volunteers on short or long assignments to more than 30 countries
- The implementation of environmental protection projects to fight against deforestation and more widely the destruction of eco-systems.
Planète Urgence has been working on a daily basis for nearly 20 years for a world in which people have increased autonomy, as well as sustainable incomes, and live in a protected environment.
- Commitment
- Ethics
- Fairness/equity
What are Solidarity Leaves/ Congés Solidaires®?
Solidarity Leave/ Congé Solidaire® is a short mission of international solidarity or for protection of the environment set up by Planète Urgence.
What is ESSP partnership with Planète Urgence?
ESSP has signed up an agreement with Planète Urgence to allow up to 4 members of ESSP staff to go on Solidarity Leave/ Congé Solidaire® every year. This will give the opportunity to these four people to participate to a mission of international solidarity.
Due to the Covid-19 sanitary crisis since the beginning of 2020, the actions of this year might take a different path. Nevertheless, ESSP is more than eager to contribute to Planète Urgence actions.
This partnership has been prepared for over a year, to improve the impact beyond ESSP activities. This action was identified in ESSP Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) action plan for 2020 and we are glad to take part in Planète Urgence missions.
To be continued…