ESSP and SINDAL airport have signed an EGNOS Working Agreement
The agreement will enable the publication of EGNOS-based approach procedures in this Danish airport
EGNOS Service Provider, ESSP, and SINDAL have recently signed an EGNOS Working Agreement (EWA), as a key first step for the implementation of EGNOS-based approach procedures at SINDAL airport. The agreement will allow the publication of EGNOS-based approach procedures at this Danish airport and we expect them to publish their first LPV approach very soon.
The agreement was signed on April 2020, and it establishes the operational and legal framework to use the EGNOS Safety-of-Life Service as a navigation aid between the EGNOS Service Provider – ESSP - and the Airport / Navigation entity willing to use this service.
As you know, EGNOS is the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service. It provides an augmentation signal to the Global Positioning System (GPS) Standard Positioning Service (SPS). The EGNOS service enables RNP APCH (Required Navigation Performance Approach) down to a minimum as low as 200 feet (~60 meters).
This agreement is framed into the EU Space Programme actions to get the highest security rates and accuracy systems in aviation through Satellite Based Navigation Protocol.
The signature of the EWA agreement concludes an important step in international cooperation to employ EGNOS precision signals and services in Denmark for a cost efficient navigation solution for the benefit of Sindal Airport’s customers using precision air navigation in Denmark.