ESSP shareholders sign a joint statement to continue give full support to EGNOS and to the European PBN regulation
The 7 Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) of France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom in their role of ESSP-SAS (European Satellite Service Provider) founders came together to sign a joint letter, which outlines their commitment to continuing their support to EGNOS, a program from the European Union managed by the European GNSS Agency (GSA).
One of the main messages of the letter is to express their agreement with the PBN implementation regulation recently agreed by the EU, identifying EGNOS as one of the key PBN contributors to increase safety and airport accessibility through a wide scale development of EGNOS/LPV procedures due by end 2020-24.
The letter is signed by the Chief Executive Officers of the 7 ANSP shareholders of the ESSP, the EGNOS service provider.
Click here to view the signed letter: Joint Statement by the 7 shareholders of ESSP, the EGNOS Service Provider.