Webinar: “LPV Implementation in Europe: from EGNOS SoL declaration to PBN IR”
June 08, 2021In 2021, we celebrate that EGNOS Safety of Life service has been serving European airports for the past 10 years. Do not miss this webinar if you want to learn how EGNOS implementation has progressed during the last decade, since the first LPV procedure’s publication on March 17th 2011 up to reaching near 800 available today. Details will be provided on the evolution of procedures over time, as well as available STC/SB solutions and operators already equipped to use EGNOS. Additionally, we will show other tools and materials available for free to support all those that are interested to adopt EGNOS this great PBN enabler. Do not miss it!

EGNOS Safety of Life: Serving aviation for 10 years
March 18, 2021The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) Safety of Life (SoL) Service is celebrating its 10th Anniversary. Since it was declared operational in March 2011, the EGNOS SoL Service has been supporting civil aviation operations down to LPV (Localiser Performance with Vertical guidance) minima at airports across Europe.